The Old Cattle Market is Changing!

Many local people will have noticed that the old market buildings and stalls are being removed to make way for a new future for the Old Cattle Market. This website sets out the range of exciting projects and activities that are being brought forward to transform the Old Cattle Market and bring more vitality to the town centre, serving residents of Liskeard and the wider area.
Updated19 March 2021


Local Produce Market

An already established use on the event space is the Local Produce Market. There is always a wonderful atmosphere and a wide range of food stalls selling local products including locally produced cheese, artisan bread, fermented foods, honeys, natural cordials and locally-distilled gin, as well as a number of talented local crafters and makers. Visitors also take the opportunity to visit the established shops in the town too.

Future markets are scheduled for the second Saturday of the month between 9:30am and 12:30pm.

Produce Markets are planned for:

13 August 2022 (For this month only the market will bemoving to Liskeard School & Community College as part of the Ploughman’sFestival.) 
10 September 2022 
8 October 2022

Future Markets once confirmed will be publicised on the Visit Liskeard website on their What’s On calendar

For more information please call 07943 135899 or email

Ploughman’s Summer Produce & Craft Market © Pauline Hubner / Liskeard Ploughman’s Festival


July 2021 - Site hoardings and display panels

Following the erection of hoarding and display panels with the Cattle Market timeline on the site earlier this year, it is anticipated that the principle contractor will be on site by early September. To see the display panels please click here.

January 2021 - Cattle Market Demolition

A major change has occurred at the Old Cattle Market with physical demolition starting in the first week of January 2021 and due to be completed in April 2021. A permanent site boundary hoarding has been constructed which will display murals created by local graphic designers Print 2 Media telling the history, current plans and the vision of the cattle market site.
Cornwall Council has identified the need to maintain as much activity on site as possible, to ensure that the character of the Old Cattle Market is not lost during the construction phase. The aim is to enable the businesses in the remaining north side sheds to be able to continue to trade when COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed and for planned events to continue when rules allow.


The Liskeard Neighbourhood Plan, drawn up with extensive community participation, encourages the development of “a mix of uses that support the vitality and viability of the town centre(Cattle Market Policy TC4)”. Cornwall Council is working closely with community to enable these ambitions to be achieved. In March 2019, with the help of central Government funding, a public design workshop or ‘Charrette’ was held, facilitated by architects JTP, to create a Vision for the Cattle Market, including an illustrative masterplan for the site.

Since then, the detailed planning application drawn up by JTP for Phase 1 was approved unanimously by Cornwall Council East Planning Committee in September 2020. Phase 1 will start on site this year and includes a new creative industry workspace called ‘Workshed’ and a covered market area.

A range of activities have also taken place in the Town Council’s new community events space, including the Local Produce Market. A new Makers project is also underway with a funding from the Community Led Local Development (CLLD) fund.

Future work to progress the regeneration of the Cattle Market site includes talking with community groups and other stakeholders about the further phases of regeneration at the western side of the site. Please look out for further engagement events and you can keep in touch with the progress of the regeneration of Liskeard cattle market on this website.


Spring Newsletter 2021

"Liskeard Unlocked" Newsletter, September 2020


Keeping residents informed and involved is really important.  We have launched this website which will provide news and information as the Old Cattle Market continues to be transformed.

For more information please email or telephone the JTP Community Planning team on Freephone 0800 012 6730.

Full details of how we process, manage and retain your personal information can be found online in our Privacy Notice at  JTP will retain your details in order to communicate with you about Old Cattle Market, Liskeard. 

We may share your personal details with Cornwall Council and the project team but not with any other third parties. To opt out of receiving future updates from us about the Old Cattle Market, Liskeard, please email us at or write to us at JTP, Unit 5The Rum Warehouse, Pennington Street, London E1W 2AP